Michael Irwin

DockerCon Workshops: What to expect

DockerCon Workshops: What to expect

DockerCon 2023 will be held October 4-5 in Los Angeles. The program is now online so you can plan your experience by day, time, and theme, including AI and Machine Learning, Web Application / Web Development, Building and Deploying Applications, Secure Software Delivery, and Open Source. This year we’re offering talks, workshops, and panel discussions, plus the usual vibrant DIY hallway track. Here’s a preview of what to expect in our workshops. Register now!

Creating the KubeCon Flappy Dock Extension

During KubeCon EU 2022, our Docker team was able to show off many of our latest releases, including Docker Desktop for Linux and Docker Extensions. Community feedback on these has been overwhelmingly positive! To help demonstrate the types of extensions available, we...