Year in Review: The Most Loved Docker Articles, Blogs and Tweets of 2019

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Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

As this decade comes to a close, we are rounding up some of your favorite content from 2019. Catch up on anything you missed and get ready for a lot more to come in 2020!

Docker Captain Content

Brian Christner did an analysis of VMware, Docker, and Kubernetes Google Trends and the results just might surprise you. . . or maybe not.

John Lees Miller updated his 2016 Lessons from Building a Node App in Docker. Run through the updated tutorial to learn how to Dockerize your node.js apps by setting up the chat example with Docker, from scratch to production-ready. 

Ajeet Singh Raina wrote nearly 30 blogs in 2019, and the most popular was 5 Minutes to Kubernetes Dashboard running on Docker Desktop for Windows Find yourself five minutes before the end of the year to try this out yourself.

Łukasz Lach and Thomas Shaw spread holiday cheer with some seasonal docker run commands:

Merry christmas

$ docker run -it lukaszlach/merry-christmas 

docker run --rm -t tomwillfixit/hohoho

Bret Fisher hosts a weekly Docker and DevOps YouTube live show – a fun and educational way to spend an hour on Thursdays. Check out his top episodes of 2019 here.

Top Blog Posts from Docker’s Blog

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Hands down the most popular blog of 2019 was Docker Engineer Tibor’s VassGuide to Dockerfile Best Practices. And if video is more your style, check out his and Sebastiaan Van Stijin’s DockerCon talk on the same topic.

Docker developers love to tinker, so it was no surprise that Paulo Frazao’s Happy Pi Day tutorial, walking developers through how to install Docker Engine – Community (CE) 18.09 on Raspberry Pi made the top five this year. Learn more about how to build multi-arch apps with Elton Stoneman’s Online Meetup: Building Multi-Arch Apps with BuildX.

 Updates to Docker Hub were also really popular reads in 2019, including Shanea Leven’s Two-Factor Authentication and Personal Access Tokens posts.

Lastly, Docker Desktop Product Manager Ben De St Paer-Gotch unveiled the availability of Docker’s Technical Preview of Docker Desktop for WSL 2 and shares five things to try out. 

Top Tweets

Holidays, cheat sheets, developer love and how to’s were a hit on Twitter this year:

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Docker CEO Scott Johnston outlines his predictions on What 2020 Holds for Developers.

StackOverflow released its 2019 Developer Survey, and Docker ranked as the #1 most wanted, #2 most loved and #3 most used platform.

A glimpse into what Docker will be up to next year as Docker CEO Scott Johnston Foresees Developer Tool Advances in 2020 and Beyond.

Docker is listed first in this overview of the Best Open Source Innovations of the Decade

Thanks for being a part of the Docker Community! We look forward to more great content in the year ahead.