
DockerCon 2020: The AWS Sessions

Last week we announced Docker and AWS created an integrated and frictionless experience for developers to leverage Docker Compose, Docker Desktop, and Docker Hub to deploy their apps on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate. On...

From Docker Straight to AWS

Just about six years ago to the day Docker hit the first milestone for Docker Compose, a simple way to layout your containers and their connections. A talks to B, B talks to C, and C is a database. Fast forward six years and the container ecosystem has become...

How To Manage Docker Hub Organizations and Teams

Docker Hub has two major constructs to help with managing users access to your repository images. Organizations and Teams. Organizations are a collection of Teams and Teams are a collection of DockerIDs. There are a variety of ways of configuring your Teams within...

Stack Overflow Survey Reconfirms Developer Love for Docker

The 2020 Stack Overflow Developer Survey confirms what we already knew: there’s a lot of developer love out there for Docker and it is continuing from last year. Docker was the #1 most wanted platform and #2 most loved platform, according to the survey results...