
Docker containerd integration

In an effort to make Docker Engine smaller, better, faster, stronger, we looked for components of the current engine that we can break out into separate projects and improve along the way. One of those components is the Docker runtime for managing containers....

Docker Networking Design Philosophy

From the experimental networking in Docker 1.7 to the initial release in Docker 1.9, the reception from the community has been fantastic! First of all we want to thank you for all the discussions, evaluations, PRs and filed issues. As the networking...

Docker Compose and Networking: Easy, secure apps at scale

  When we released Docker 1.10 and Docker Compose 1.6 on February 4th, we provided you with an easy way to build a fully featured and scalable app. It’s amazing what you can do with just one simple file. I am constantly impressed what a docker-compose up gets you...

Docker Engine 1.10 Security Improvements

It’s been a crazy past few months with DockerCon and the holidays but yet we are still hacking away on the Docker Engine and have some really awesome security features I would like to highlight with the release of Docker Engine 1.10. Security is very important to us...