Docker heads to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022

Docker returns to Europe this month for KubeCon — the flagship conference of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 takes place May 16–20 in Valencia, Spain, with options to attend virtually or in person. We’re thrilled to join over 40 organizations in tackling cloud computing’s headlining challenges and most-promising advancements. 

KubeCon 2022 will feature numerous keynote addresses, breakout sessions, sponsor booths, and networking opportunities. Tune in as Docker CTO Justin Cormack and Engineering Manager Michael Irwin lead their own, in-depth presentations during the conference!

KubeCon 2022

Featured Talks

Justin Cormack – Notary v2: Deep Dive and Open Issues 

Wednesday, May 18th, from 15:25 to 16:00 CEST

Notary v2 is a community project aimed at solving current Notary issues hindering widespread adoption. The project encompasses the main registry operators — including Docker, Microsoft, and Amazon — plus a broader community of interested parties and end users. This talk will discuss Notary v2’s current status. Additionally, Justin (and Microsoft partner in crime, Steve Lasker) will cover open issues and focus areas related to formats, standardization, security issues, and future plans.

Michael Irwin – (GitOpsCon) Creating a Landlord for Multi-tenant K8s Using Flux, Gatekeeper, Helm, and Friends 

Tuesday, May 17th, from 13:35 to 14:05 CEST

Supporting multi-tenant environments in Kubernetes is easy, right? (insert laugh here) Well, it can be — but it takes organization, structure, and proper policy enforcement. At Virginia Tech, Michael helped build a “Common Application Platform” that gives each tenant its own manifest repo and deploys those manifests into isolated namespaces via Flux. 

By leveraging Gatekeeper and Karpenter, you can properly isolate workloads into node pools and ensure tenants don’t step on each other’s toes. And best of all, the tenant config is in a simple Helm chart that we call “The Landlord.” In this talk, he’ll reveal how he built The Landlord, the various policies and mutations we’re using, and how it works — all to help you build your own platform, too. He’ll tackle some live demos and even try to break a thing or two!

Don’t Forget our Docker Booth!

We have plenty of information to share and fun events planned! Make sure you visit Pavilion Booth #G7 to say hello and enjoy some social activities:

  • Updates on new Docker Desktop features and other developer tooling
  • DockerCon Lightning Talk recaps from Docker Extensions partners 
  • Demos and fun challenges using Docker Extensions 
  • In a don’t miss this event, an AMA with Docker CEO Scott Johnston on May 18th.

To view our booth’s complete event itinerary, pay us a visit.

Extra Can’t-Miss Activities

Monday, May 16th at 3:30 p.m. CEST (UTC +2)

Join experts from AWS, Docker, Snyk, and Sysdig to learn how developer teams collaborate with SecOps teams to secure workloads from source code to runtime. This virtual hands-on workshop will demonstrate how to best secure your AWS workloads through Snyk’s integrations with Docker and Sysdig. Don’t forget to register! 

Wednesday, May 18th, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. CEST (UTC +2)

Join Docker, CircleCi, and New Relic for a lighthearted, social get-together. Come enjoy all of the tapas, cocktails, and networking opportunities you can handle — in the heart of Valencia! You’ll have a great chance to meet other developers and discuss hot-button industry topics. However, space is limited! Register here to grab a seat.

Thursday, May 19th, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. CEST (UTC +2)

Clamoring to meet local Valencian developers? Don’t miss our “Docker Day” community meetup! Co-organized by Machine Learning Valencia and DevOps Valencia, “Docker Day” will take place at Flywire’s offices. We’ll even deep dive into machine learning, multi-tenant Kubernetes, and best practices. RSVP here!