For the last three years, DockerCon, our annual global developer event, was 100% virtual. Still, we were humbled by the interest and response — tens of thousands of developer participants from around the world each year. Wow! (If you missed any of ’em, they’re available on YouTube: 2020, 2021, 2022!)
With our collective global return to the “new normal,” DockerCon 2023 will be hybrid — both live (in Los Angeles, California) and virtual. Our desire is to once again experience the live magic of the hallway track, the serendipitous developer-to-developer sharing of tips and tricks, and the celebration of our community’s accomplishments … all while looking forward together toward a really exciting future. And for members of our community who can’t attend in person, we hope you’ll join us virtually!
In the spirit of keeping this post brief, I’ll share a few community highlights here, but expect much more news and updates next week at DockerCon!

Our open source projects — containerd, Compose, BuildKit, moby/moby, and others — continue to scale in terms of contributions, contributors, and stars. Thank you!
And overall, our developer community is now at 20M monthly active IPs, 16M registered developers, 15M Docker Hub repos, and 16B image pulls per month from Docker Hub. Again, we’re humbled by this continued growth, engagement, and enthusiasm of our developer community.
And in terms of looking forward to what’s next … well, you gotta tune-in to DockerCon to find out! 😀 But, seriously, there’s never been a better time to be a developer. To wit, with the digitization of All The Things, there’s a need for more than 750 million apps in the next couple of years. That means there’s a need for more developers and more creativity and innovation. And at DockerCon you’ll hear how our community plans to help developers capitalize on this opportunity.
Specifically, and without revealing too much here: We see a chance to bring the power of the cloud to accelerate the developer’s “inner loop,” before the git commit and CI. Furthermore, we see an untapped opportunity to apply GenAI to optimize the non-code gen aspects of the application. By some accounts, this encompasses 85% or more of the overall app.
Piqued your interest? Hope so! 😀 Looking forward to seeing you at DockerCon!
Learn more
- Register for DockerCon.
- Register for DockerCon workshops.
- Watch past DockerCon videos: 2020, 2021, 2022.
- Get the latest release of Docker Desktop.
- Vote on what’s next! Check out our public roadmap.
- Have questions? The Docker community is here to help.
- New to Docker? Get started.