I’m excited to share some big news: Atomist is joining Docker. I know our team will thrive in its new home, and look forward to taking the great stuff we’ve built to a much larger audience. I’ve devoted most of my career to trying to improve developer productivity and...
Docker Blog
How to Rapidly Build Multi-Architecture Images with Buildx
Successfully running your container images on a variety of CPU architectures can be tricky. For example, you might want to build your IoT application — running on an arm64 device like the Raspberry Pi — from a specific base image. However, Docker images typically...
How to Train and Deploy a Linear Regression Model Using PyTorch
Get an introduction to PyTorch, then learn how to use it for a simple problem like linear regression — and a simple way to containerize your application.
Getting Started with Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ IDEA Docker Plugins
Today’s developers swear by IDEs that best support their workflows. Jumping repeatedly between windows and apps is highly inconvenient, which makes these programs so valuable. By remaining within your IDE, it’s possible to get more done in less time. Today, we’ll take...
Cross Compiling Rust Code for Multiple Architectures
Getting an idea, planning it out, implementing your Rust code, and releasing the final build is a long process full of unexpected issues. Cross compilation of your code will allow you to reach more users, but it requires knowledge of building executables for different...
Creating the KubeCon Flappy Dock Extension
During KubeCon EU 2022, our Docker team was able to show off many of our latest releases, including Docker Desktop for Linux and Docker Extensions. Community feedback on these has been overwhelmingly positive! To help demonstrate the types of extensions available, we...
8 Organizations Supporting the LGBTQ+ Tech Community
June is Pride Month. And while it’s time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, it’s also an important reminder that diversity within the workforce remains an ongoing challenge within tech (as well as many other industries) for LGBTQ+ people. To help face that challenge, we want to highlight eight amazing organizations that are helping to support the LGBTQ+ tech community.
Simplify Your Deployments Using the Rust Official Image
We previously tackled how to deploy your web applications quicker with the Caddy 2 Official Image. This time, we’re turning our attention to Rust applications. The Rust Foundation introduced developers to the Rust programming language in 2010. Since then, developers...
How to Build and Deploy a Django-based URL Shortener App from Scratch
A URL shortener is a widely adopted technique that’s used to create short, condensed, and unique aliases for long URL links. In this blog tutorial, you’ll learn how to build a basic URL shortener using Python and Django.