Docker Blog

Top Tips and Use Cases for Managing Your Volumes

The architecture of a container includes its application layer, data layer, and local storage within the containerized image. Data is critical to helping your apps run effectively and serving content to users. Running containers also produce files that must exist...

Securing the Software Supply Chain: Atomist Joins Docker

I’m excited to share some big news: Atomist is joining Docker. I know our team will thrive in its new home, and look forward to taking the great stuff we’ve built to a much larger audience. I’ve devoted most of my career to trying to improve developer productivity and...

Cross Compiling Rust Code for Multiple Architectures

Getting an idea, planning it out, implementing your Rust code, and releasing the final build is a long process full of unexpected issues. Cross compilation of your code will allow you to reach more users, but it requires knowledge of building executables for different...

Creating the KubeCon Flappy Dock Extension

During KubeCon EU 2022, our Docker team was able to show off many of our latest releases, including Docker Desktop for Linux and Docker Extensions. Community feedback on these has been overwhelmingly positive! To help demonstrate the types of extensions available, we...