Docker Blog

Docker’s Response to the Invasion of Ukraine

Docker is closely following the events surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The community of Docker employees, Docker Captains, developers, customers, and partners is committed to creating an open, collaborative environment that fosters the free and peaceful...

Black Innovators That Paved the Way

While diverse experiences and perspectives should be sought after and celebrated every day, Black History Month is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the many contributions of Black Americans. Recognizing the ingenuity of Black people in technology is...

Docker Captain Take 5 – Martin Terp

Docker Captains are select members of the community that are both experts in their field and are passionate about sharing their Docker knowledge with others. “Docker Captains Take 5” is a regular blog series where we get a closer look at our Captains and ask them the...

DockerCon: What Makes a Successful CFP Submission

The DockerCon 2022 Call for Papers is now open! DockerCon is one of the largest developer events in the world, with over 80,000 developers registering for each of the last two events. At the core of DockerCon is the chance for members of the community to share their...