The latest Docker Desktop release, 3.2, includes support for iTerm2 which is a terminal emulator that is highly popular with macOS fans. From the Containers/Apps Dashboard, for a running container, you can click `CLI` to open a terminal and run commands on the...
Docker Blog
How to Use Your Own Registry
One of the things that makes the Docker Platform so powerful is how easy it is to use images from a central location. Docker Hub is the premier Image Repository with thousands of Official Images ready for use. It’s also just as easy to push your own images to the...
Captains Take 5 – Nick Janetakis
Docker Captains are select members of the community that are both experts in their field and are passionate about sharing their Docker knowledge with others. “Docker Captains Take 5” is a regular blog series where we get a closer look at our Captains and ask them the...
Compiling Qt with Docker Using Caching
This is a guest post from Viktor Petersson, CEO of Screenly is the most popular digital signage product for the Raspberry Pi. Find Viktor on Twitter @vpetersson. In the previous blog post, we talked about how we compile Qt for Screenly OSE using Docker’s...
New Docker Desktop Preview for Apple M1 Released
This is just a quick update to let you know that we’ve released another preview of Docker Desktop for Apple M1 chips, which you can download from our Docker Apple M1 Tech Preview page. The most exciting change in this version is that Kubernetes now works. First, a big...
How to Deploy GPU-Accelerated Applications on Amazon ECS with Docker Compose
Many applications can take advantage of GPU acceleration, in particular resource-intensive Machine Learning (ML) applications. The development time of such applications may vary based on the hardware of the machine we use for development. Containerization will...
How Developers Can Get Started with Python and Docker
Python started in 1991 with humble beginnings focusing on helping “automate the boring stuff.” But over the past few years, we’ve seen Python grow in popularity and become extremely useful not only for scripting but for building modern web applications, machine...
Docker Index Shows Continued Massive Developer Adoption and Activity to Build and Share Apps with Docker
November 2024 update: See the Docker Subscriptions pricing page for upgraded Docker plans. Simpler, more value, better development and productivity. -- It’s been one year since we started publishing the Docker Index (stats, trends and analysis from developers and dev...
Donating Docker Distribution to the CNCF
We are happy to announce that Docker has contributed Docker Distribution to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Docker is committed to the Open Source community and open standards for many of our projects, and this move will ensure Docker Distribution...