Docker Blog

Docker Desktop 4.34: MSI Installer GA, Upgraded Host Networking, and Powerful Enhancements for Boosted Productivity & Administration

Docker Desktop 4.34: MSI Installer GA, Upgraded Host Networking, and Powerful Enhancements for Boosted Productivity & Administration

Discover Docker Desktop 4.34’s enhancements that boost security, scalability, and productivity for developers. This release includes a readily available MSI installer for simpler Windows deployment, improved authentication processes, smart storage compaction for WSL2, and seamless NVIDIA AI Workbench integration for streamlined model training and local development.

🧪 Docker Hub Experimental CLI tool

We are excited to let you know that we have released a new experimental tool. We would love to get your feedback on it. Today we have released an experimental Docker Hub CLI tool, the hub-tool. The new Hub CLI tool lets you explore, inspect and manage your content on...