Docker Blog

Docker Desktop 4.34: MSI Installer GA, Upgraded Host Networking, and Powerful Enhancements for Boosted Productivity & Administration

Docker Desktop 4.34: MSI Installer GA, Upgraded Host Networking, and Powerful Enhancements for Boosted Productivity & Administration

Discover Docker Desktop 4.34’s enhancements that boost security, scalability, and productivity for developers. This release includes a readily available MSI installer for simpler Windows deployment, improved authentication processes, smart storage compaction for WSL2, and seamless NVIDIA AI Workbench integration for streamlined model training and local development.

#mydockerbday Recap + Community Stories

Emma Cresta, 13 Although March has come and gone, you can still take part in the awesome activities put together by the community to celebrate Docker’s 7th birthday.  Birthday Challenge Denise Rey and Captains Łukasz Lach, Marcos Nils, Elton Stoneman, Nicholas...

Update from Docker on COVID-19 Actions

As the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 continues to spread, Docker has been taking precautionary measures to support the health, well-being, and safety of our global team members and their families, as well as ensuring our customers and community at large can...

Multi-Platform Docker Builds

This is a guest post from Docker Captain Adrian Mouat who is Chief Scientist at Container Solutions, a cloud-native consultancy and Kubernetes Certified Service Provider. Adrian is the author of "Using Docker," published by O'Reilly Media. He is currently developing...

First Docker GitHub Action is here!

We are happy to announce that today Docker has released its first Github Action! We’ve been working with GitHub, looking into how developers have been using GitHub Actions with Docker to set up their CI/CD workflows. The standard flows you’ll see if you look around...