Docker Blog

Docker Desktop 4.34: MSI Installer GA, Upgraded Host Networking, and Powerful Enhancements for Boosted Productivity & Administration

Docker Desktop 4.34: MSI Installer GA, Upgraded Host Networking, and Powerful Enhancements for Boosted Productivity & Administration

Discover Docker Desktop 4.34’s enhancements that boost security, scalability, and productivity for developers. This release includes a readily available MSI installer for simpler Windows deployment, improved authentication processes, smart storage compaction for WSL2, and seamless NVIDIA AI Workbench integration for streamlined model training and local development.

Community Collaboration on Notary v2

One of the most productive meetings I had KubeCon in San Diego last November was a meeting with Docker, Amazon and Microsoft to plan a collaboration around a new version of the CNCF project Notary. We held the Notary v2 kickoff meeting a few weeks later in Seattle in...