
Docker Turns 7!

Since its introduction at PyCon in 2013, Docker has changed the way the world develops applications. And over the last 7 years, we’ve loved watching developers - new and seasoned - bring their ideas to life with Docker. As is our tradition in the Docker community, we...

Changes to APT and YUM repositories

While many people know about Docker, not that many know its history and where it came from. Docker was started as a project in the dotCloud company, founded by Solomon Hykes, which provided a PaaS solution. The project became so successful that dotCloud renamed itself...

5 Software Development Predictions for 2020

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash To kick off the new year, we sat down with Docker CEO Scott Johnston and asked him what the future holds for software development. Here are his 2020 predictions and trends to keep an eye on. Existing Code and Apps...

Developing Docker-Powered Apps on Windows with WSL 2

WSL 2 is Microsoft’s second take on shipping a Linux Kernel with Windows that includes a full fledged virtual machine. It was only natural that Docker would embrace this change and ship a Docker Desktop for Windows version that runs on WSL 2. In this blog, I’ll show you an example of how to develop Docker-powered applications using the Docker Desktop WSL 2 Tech Preview.

Write Maintainable Integration Tests with Docker

The popularity of microservices and the use of third-party services for non-business critical features has drastically increased the number of integrations that make up the modern application. All of these integration points require different layers of testing.