Find the best container security workflow for your company with these key takeaways from DockerCon. We’ll cover mindset, structure, toolsets, and more.
docker desktop
Containerizing a Slack Clone App Built with the MERN Stack
The MERN Stack is a fast growing, open source JavaScript stack that’s gained huge momentum among today's web developers. MERN is a diverse collection of robust technologies (namely, Mongo, Express, React, and Node) for developing scalable web applications — supported...
How to Use the Alpine Docker Official Image
Learn how to Dockerize Alpine for your next application or server with our guide on how to use the Alpine Docker Official Image.
In Case You Missed It: Docker Community All-Hands
Get highlights the 6th Docker Community All-Hands, including the latest releases, best practices, and links to all of the talks on YouTube.
Integrated Terminal for Running Containers, Extended Integration with Containerd, and More in Docker Desktop 4.12
Docker Desktop 4.12 is now live! This release brings some key quality-of-life improvements to the Docker Dashboard. We’ve also made some changes to our container image management and added it as an experimental feature. Finally, we’ve made it easier to find useful...
How to Build and Run Next.js Applications with Docker, Compose, & NGINX
At DockerCon 2022, Kathleen Juell, a Full Stack Engineer at Sourcegraph, shared some tips for combining Next.js, Docker, and NGINX to serve static content. With nearly 400 million active websites today, efficient content delivery is key to attracting new web...
How to Develop and Deploy a Customer Churn Prediction Model Using Python, Streamlit, and Docker
Customer churn is a million-dollar problem for businesses today. The SaaS market is becoming increasingly saturated, and customers can choose from plenty of providers. Retention and nurturing are challenging. Online businesses view customers as churn when they stop...
How to Use the Redis Docker Official Image
Learn how to use the Redis Docker Official Image and accelerate your Redis database deployment in this step-by-step guide!
Testing with Telepresence and Docker
Level up your integration testing with the Telepresence Docker Extension. This extension allows devs to run local tests without the wait of remote deployments!