docker for windows

Docker Desktop & WSL 2 – Backport Update

November 2024 update: Learn about the upgraded Docker plans and choose the best Docker Subscription for you. Simpler, more value, better development and productivity. Read our Docker Desktop release collection to learn about our latest enhancements and innovations....

Developing Docker-Powered Apps on Windows with WSL 2

WSL 2 is Microsoft’s second take on shipping a Linux Kernel with Windows that includes a full fledged virtual machine. It was only natural that Docker would embrace this change and ship a Docker Desktop for Windows version that runs on WSL 2. In this blog, I’ll show you an example of how to develop Docker-powered applications using the Docker Desktop WSL 2 Tech Preview.

Docker Compose and Kubernetes with Docker for Desktop

If you’re running an edge version of Docker on your desktop (Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows Desktop), you can now stand up a single-node Kubernetes cluster with the click of a button. While I’m not a developer, I think this is great news for the millions of...