At Docker, we are committed to making developer’s lives easier, and maintaining and extending our commitment to the Open Source community and open standards for many of our projects. We believe building new capabilities into the Docker Platform in partnership with our...
docker hub
New Docker and JFrog Partnership Designed to Improve the Speed and Quality of App Development Processes
November 2024 update: See the Docker Subscriptions page for upgraded Docker plans. Simpler, more value, better development and productivity. -- Today, Docker and JFrog announced a new partnership to ensure developers can benefit from integrated innovation across both...
New Docker Reporting Provides Teams with Tools for Higher Efficiency and Better Collaboration
November 2024 update: See the Docker Subscriptions page for upgraded Docker plans. Simpler, more value, better development and productivity. -- Today, we are very excited to announce the release of Audit Log, a new capability that provides the administrators of Docker...
How To Manage Docker Hub Organizations and Teams
Docker Hub has two major constructs to help with managing users access to your repository images. Organizations and Teams. Organizations are a collection of Teams and Teams are a collection of DockerIDs. There are a variety of ways of configuring your Teams within...
How to Build and Test Your Docker Images in the Cloud with Docker Hub
Part 2 in the series on Using Docker Desktop and Docker Hub Together Introduction In part 1 of this series, we took a look at installing Docker Desktop, building images, configuring our builds to use build arguments, running our application in containers, and finally,...
Helping You and Your Development Team Build and Ship Faster
I remember the first time one of my co-workers told me about Docker. There is a longer story behind it, but it ended with “it was so easy and saved me so much time.” That compelled me to install Docker and try it for myself. Yup, she was right. Easy, simple,...
Helping Developers Simplify Apps, Toolchains, and Open Source
It’s been an exciting four months since we announced that Docker is refocusing on developers. We have spent much of that time listening to you, our developer community, in meetups, on GitHub, through social media, with our Docker Captains, and in face-to-face...
Introducing the Docker Index: Insight from the World’s Most Popular Container Registry
8 billion pulls! Yes, that’s billion with a B! This number represents a little known level of activity and innovation happening across the community and ecosystem, all in just one average month. How do we know? From the number of pulls and most popular images to top...
New in Docker Hub: Personal Access Tokens
Already available as part of Docker Trusted Registry, personal access tokens can now be used as a substitute for your password in Docker Hub, especially for integrating your Hub account with other tools. You’ll be able to leverage these tokens for authenticating your Hub account from the Docker CLI.